
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What's in a name?

You are running out of colours.
I know!
You should add more.
How would I know?
Well I don't know either!


You guys need a name.

We do have names, Grandma is Kenya, Momma is Augusta, he's Bronson, he's Saber, and I am Gotham. 

I know that, I am the one who named you all. 

Oh, then why are you saying we need a name?

When there is a group of cats, I like to give a group name. It helps us remember where you came from. Also, when you are adopted they may change your name.

They can do that? 
Do we get a say?

Uh, no.. you can't talk.


Why, did you have another name in mind for yourself?

Jackie Chan!

I have seen your moves. They need work.

Rude! I'm only a kitten and I have been practicing.
Check out my back flip!

Hey, not bad! you didn't fall on your butt this time.

You just wait, I will be Jackie Chan in no time!

You can do it baby!

Thanks mom.

Okay, group names. Throw out some ideas!

Party of Five!

Who's that?

That would be Sebby, he is on the other side of the door apparently wanting to be part of the conversation. 

That's a stupid name! 

Now who's that?


Are they always this nosy?


So party of five?

I would prefer not to be named after some cheesy old TV show.


Cinco De Gatos!

Wow, that is very clever Augusta!

What does that mean?

Five Cats.

I like it, lets add it to the 'maybe list'

The Hellion Crew!

Hahah, biker kitties?
That makes you all sound mean and evil.

Ya, you can't use that.. it's awesome, but the humans are easily swayed.

Sebby speaks the truth.

I love it though.

Where did we come from?

The lane way behind the houses on Lincoln St.

Anything special about that area?

There use to be. When my Grandmother was young, she worked at this place called Plymouth Cordage. 
That company actually built all of those houses along that lane way for it's employees. 

Really? I betcha they would be pissed at the state some of them are in now!

I would agree. 

What did they make ?


Plymouth Cordage.

Oh, rope. 

The Plymouth Cordage Company

This is actually rather interesting. 
Plymouth Cordage basically put Welland on the map!

The idea of building housing for it's workers was their idea!

Smart, clever, caring, and industrious !

I think we have a winner!


The Cordage Crew!.

I actually like it. 

Me too. 

I vote yes!.

I think my Grandmother would approve.

'The Cordage Crew'


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