
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

10 reasons to adopt a black cat

1. They match any decor.

2. They are basically just tiny Panthers. Who doesn't want a tiny Panther?

3. Ernest Hemingway, Cher, John Lennon, James Dean, Pablo Picasso, Frank Zappa, Twiggy, Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando, Vincent Price, Morgan Freeman, Mark Twain, and George Clooney all had black cats!

5. Everyone knows black is slimming. 

6. They could be tabbies in disguise.

7. They are basically ninjas.

8. Black cats are actually considered very lucky in some cultures.

9. Black cats are less likely to be adopted through no fault of their own. How fair is that?

10. Black cats are awesome, ask any person who has been lucky enough to have one in their life. 


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