
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Catch me if you can



Why do you do that Charlie? 

Do what? 

Run and hide when I am trying to find you?!




That is not an answer. I would like an answer. 

Sebby told me to. 

He what? 

He said that the last one caught gets a mousey. 


Ya, he said it's a game and I had to play. 

Had to? 

Yup, since I am a foster kitty I have to listen to him. 

Says who? 

He said you said that. 

Oh did he? 

Lies, the boy is telling you lies!
I would never say such a thing!

He did!!

What else did he say? 

That if I didn't run he would hide my springy toy.

And that you needed the exercise


I never! He is making it up, quite a story teller that one is. Told me yesterday that he was in the military. That the military was named alphabet. 

Whiskey, Tango, Romeo, Zulu, Sierra & Charlie! 
The Military Alphabet you ninny! 

Who you calling a ninny?!


You may want to sleep with one eye open little man.

I ain't scared of you!

Uh, Human..

Yes you can stay in my room tonight. 


Sebby, I did name them using the military alphabet. Sergeant & Corporal were also military themed. 

I'm named after awesome.

Back to the running away thing, it really ticks me off. 

Well, when you bring out the carrier we kinda know somethings up.

But if I don't get it ready then y'all start squirming like little wiggle worms when I grab you. If you get out of my grasp then I have to chase you all over the house.

Besides, once I grab one.. You all know something is up!

So tell me, how do I make this simpler on both of us?

Get a dog. 

I should. I should get a Newfoundland.

Go for it, I will scare him off like I did that other one.

That other one you speak of is at my parents. 
Any you attacked her as a tiny puppy. 

She had it coming. 

She did nothing to you!

You are MY human. She was trying to own you. I own you.

You do not own me.

Technically I do. We have been over this, I own everything. 

Ya, well you would not do so well with a Newfoundland. 

Why is that?

They could barricade you in the basement, or you could get covered in their drool.

Sounds pleasant. Why would one want an animal like that?

Because they are smart, loving, loyal, kind, protective and..

Okay, I get it.. they are push overs.

They would push you over!

Savanna - I just found her picture on a rescue site, isn't she stunning! 

Newfound Rescue   

See her elbows?


That's your height!

What in the... that's not a dog! That's a friggen giant!

A gentle giant..but I would teach her to push you over. 


Are we getting a dog?????
I want a dog!!
I want one too!!
I want it to push over Sebby!

No, we are not getting a dog. 


Yaa! I mean booo...

If I had land, and a bigger house I would love to adopt one just like her. 

What about us?

You guys are my first priority. I would never do anything that would not be beneficial to you or any other fosters in the future. 

Daww.. you're the push over aren't you?

What can I say, I am crazy about you guys. 

Crazy is the perfect word.

Way to kill the moment jerkface. 




I am trying to find some information on how to catch a cat inside the house, but I seem to be only finding things on how to catch a feral cat. Or live trapping. 

So.. I guess I will just have to use my own tricks as information.
Then maybe I should practice what I preach.

Plan ahead: Cat's are rather smart creatures, they catch on to things quickly. 

- Get the carrier out the night before, or before you go to sleep. This will give Fluffy time to freak out then calm down before you attempt to wrangle her the next day. 

- Make it comfy! A blanket, some toys and a few treats if she is not being fasted ( even then a few treats should be okay but ask your vet) This will give Fluffy some recognizable scents to take with her on her "horrific journey"

- Close the doors! Close ever door in the house that would give Fluffy a place to hide, she will still find one but at least it isn't under the bed!

- Play dumb. pretend nothing is going to happen. Be casual and ignore Fluffy. 
This also works if the above options fail and you have no idea where she is hiding. You gotta wait it out.

- Don't stress ( I still do) They feed off of your energy and it's scaring the crap out of them! 
The vet's are aware of the feline temperament. If you are going to be late then give them a call. 

- Bribery. Kind of mixed with trickery.. specially if Fluffy is being fasted and can't have food. 
Grab a can of wet food, you may have to put some on a plate and wait for her to approach. That's when you nab her. 

- Look up how to scruff a cat, you may need to. 

- Ask for help. Family or friends can help by going in one direction while you go in another. Charlie likes to do laps on the main floor. If I planned ahead I could get someone to help with this. 

- Drugs. Not for you...though a beer when you get home might be needed. 
Some kitties get very stressed out prior to having to travel outside of the house or to the Vet. There are medications that can be taken by the cat prior to the excursion to aid in the calming of the cat.. and a calm cat means a calm Human.
This is something to talk about with your vet.
 There are things you can buy at the pet food stores that may help. Calming treats and sprays. Our group uses the treats, we also use something called Rescue Remedy - ask your vet or someone at the pet food store for more information on it. 
I know Pet Valu carries the treats, the Rescue Remedy you may have to ask about. 

- I forgot something rather important! The Carrier!
This can be the worst part of the experience, also kitty may bolt when you are trying to get them in.

A Top Loading Carrier is what you are looking for. 

Sounds like I am talking about a washing machine.. I am not.

If all else fails.....find a vet that does home visits and put Fluffy in a room ahead of time.


Easy to get kitty into!

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