
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Friday, September 5, 2014







Um, someone is in here!
Occupied !
I am aware Willow. There are no doors. 
Well than vacate the premises Human! 
I was here first, trying to clean. 
Well I have to go! 
Than go! 
Privacy ! 
You got none! 
No fair ! 
Whats no fair is none of you even attempt to clean up after yourself. 
I hide it. 
That's fantastic, thank you. Now learn to scoop it. 
Sorry no thumbs. 
You still wouldn't. 
You are probably right. We have to keep you humans humble. 
Interesting since there is no such thing as a humble cat.
Do I not play with pop bottle lids and straws which saves you money and shows you I don't need fancy toys? 
True, but I am still trying to use these things..and you steal them.
Distinction without a difference. 

Could you at least turn around? 
Could you wait till I am done? 
No! I waited till you started cleaning.. I can wait no more. 
Go downstairs. There are more boxes just waiting for you to use them. 
They aren't clean. 
I am cleaning them next. 
I will wait for you than. 
Can you hurry up?
Outta the way! 
Why is it Grand Central whenever I try to clean. 
Uh, do you mind? 
Yes. I actually do! All of you get your furry little butts out of the way. You can use it after I am done cleaning.


Speaking of litter boxes, which is best? which is worst?
Do cats actually want privacy?
Does the type of litter make a difference ?

I can let you know what has worked in my house.. and what works best for the stinky stinky kittens
Are you talking about us?
First off, the litter!
Yes it makes a difference !! When we have the small kittens that play in the litter or try and eat it....kittens are strange...
For them I have to use a Non Clumping litter like this ...

When they get past the weirdo silly baby stage I use this...

If I could afford it, I would rather use this...

All of these lovely products can be found at Pet Valu
I do not get paid to endorse this store.. though it would be cool if I was.. they could pay me in litter.

As for litter boxes...
Check out my Catopia page... there are a few on there that are amusing.

For everyday kitty life, a basic litter box does the trick, or a covered litter box. They even have some that have higher sides but the low entrance and no hood.

The sky's the limit..
Seriously, you could spend a small fortune on fancy litter boxes.. only to find out that Fluffy is claustrophobic.

I have no idea if a cat could be considered that, or if it's just the inability to see 360 degrees around themselves. I would go with the 360 theory.

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