
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Pet Food Ingredients - F - FISH

Here fishy fishy fishy !



Fish is bad.

That is what I have been told.

It is confusing because we correlate cats with eating fish.

We also think cats should drink milk. 

We may need to work on our understanding of meows. 

In our defense, cats think that bringing us a half dead mouse is a good thing. 

Neither of us really understands the other.

Cats are decedents of the African Wildcat - seriously cute.

Guess what those guys do not have in their diet?


They eat mice, rats, rabbits, a bit of bird and a few random reptiles. 

When you think about it, how would cats get fish in the wild? 

When you keep thinking.. you start picturing a cat trying to take out a cow

I realize they may stalk an aquarium or cause havoc around a fish bowl - but 

other than the occasional lucky catch..Fluffy don't fish!  

Wild cats do eat fish. Much like domesticated felines.. they steal them from something that has already done all the work catching it. 

I found a fishing Fluffy! - Remarkably named -   Fishing Cat

It of course is on the endangered species list - poor kitty.

There are 2 types of fish:

White Fish:
  • Haddock
  • Plaice
  • Sole
  • Cod
  • Whiting
Oily Fish:
  • Herring
  • Pilchards
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Trout

* positive fish attributes 

Fish in general are a high quality protein source.

When they grind the bones up it provides both calcium & Phosphorus

Oily Fish are a good source of both vitamin A&D, as well as omega3

*not so positive fish possible attributes 

Fish is 3rd in causes of allergies 

This may be due to some fish containing Histamines 
Tuna and Mackerel seemed to be linked to chanced of higher levels of histamines

As soon as a Tuna dies, the histamine starts to develop. 

The control of this is left to the people who ship and store them. 

Tuna is a huge industry, chances are they do not mess around with the refrigeration process. 


After the Tuna is used for human foods - how are the leftovers stored?

I lack trust.

**A diet consisting of primarily raw fish is out of the question. Do not do it. 

Raw fish contain an enzyme that depletes Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Cats need Thiamine in their diets.

Some symptoms of a Thiamine Deficiency are:

  • Aggression
  • Anorexia
  • Loss of coordination
  • Inability to raise their head
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Loss of righting reflex - which is their ability to orient themselves so they can land on their feet when they fall
I would prefer not to cause that in a cat.


Another issue is things contaminating the fish.

Remember the BP oil spill?
Remember hearing all this talk about Fukushima? 

Are there any of those fish in our food chain?
How long will this effect the environment around it?

What is getting into the fish?
Are any of these chemicals being passed down the line to other fish?

Where do the toxic contaminants stop and the safe fish begin?

But we can use farmed fish!

Yes.. that is completely safe ...except


Due to higher concentrations in the fish feed, farm raised fish contain higher levels of PCB's which are known carcinogens. 
Wild fish have less. 

The use of antibiotics in farm raised fish is actually messing with humans by causing super strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. 
And that causes a perpetual cycle of antibiotic usage. 

Farmed Fish are becoming both an environment and ethical issue - but you can go seek that information out yourself. 

Something that will probably become an issue - if it isn't already.....

The Frankenfish! 

Not gonna lie, kinda think it sounds like a fabulous animated charactor. 

Or a ridiculous movie.. oh look Ridiculous Movie

This Frankenfishy is actually genetically modified Salmon. 

It may not have super powers - but if it gets into the mainstream Ocean it will cause major issues. 

It could wipe out entire species of fish. 
Say goodbye to Atlantic Salmon and hello to the biggie sized Salmon. 

They grow 30% faster, and are bigger & stronger at a young age. 

It wont take long for Frank to dominate, then expand his family. 

How does this effect cat food?

First off - these GMO giants are pumped full of drugs to fight off diseases. Also they have a higher level of hormones. 

Once this hits the mass market - bigger fish - less waiting - more fish for your buck....

You do the math. 

Okay forget math.. 

That crap will be in pet food in no time. 

Not even the 'good' Frankenfish - this will be the scraps nobody wants to eat. 


Currently there does not seem to be a huge issue with giving your cat fish from time to time. 

**Do not make fish their diet.

Know that when it comes down to it - Cats do not need fish. 

Lastly, watch out for Frankenfish. He's coming ...


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