
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Scratch Factor



Why did you do that! 

It moved. 

It was my foot! 

It moved.

I was trying to sleep. 

Stop moving. 

Stop attacking my foot! 

Okay, you stop moving and I will stop attacking. 


It moved again. 

I know it did, it's attached to me. 

How is that my fault? 

Because they are your nails! 

Aren't they beautiful! 

Sharp. They are sharp. 

Well I can't trim my own nails so...

Ya ya, my fault. 

I'm glad we understand each other. 


Sorry, I don't think I can control myself. You really must stop moving. 


Or? Or what? Awe come on! I will stop I promise!!

I do not have faith in your ability. No, get out of my room. 


How to stop a cat from attacking your feet while you sleep:
1. Remove cat from room
2. Use a spray bottle to deter cat from using your feet as a toy
3. If 2 fails, revert to 1.

Oh, always keep your cats nails trimmed! Declawing is not an option in my books. It's your own damn fault.. you moved! So keep  moving, get up.. place cat out of room and go back to bed.

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