
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Pet Food Indredients BY- PRODUCTS

B was simple for choosing an ingredient.



Something that is produced during the production or destruction of something else

Sounds yummy!
What I wonder is, do they use all the leftovers from food production. 
Or just the leftovers that are not good enough to go into hotdogs?

Because ...yuck. 

I found my answer to that. 

Certain animal by products such as -Giblets (necks, gizzards, heart, liver) Leftover butchered birdy..

Are used for things like Bologna, Sausage & good ole Hotdogs.

These Giblets are also listed as being used in Pet Foods.

If a company is going to cheap out by using by-products..

Because that is exactly what they are doing..

Why would they buy Giblets, which I am sure cost more than the second section of by-products?

Introducing the second round

-In this corner we have-

Larry The leftovers! 
(Not intended for human consumption)


Undeveloped eggs

The truth is - IF animal by-products are being used in a pet food 
 they are naming the source animal such as Chicken, Beef, Pork..

It is not the worst thing in the world.

Nor is it the best. 

Never pay top dollar for any pet food that lists any sourced animal by-products.
The company went the cheap route - yet is still trying to charge as if they did not. Greedy greedy jerks!

If the pet food lists - Animal by-product or Meat by-product...

The company does not even know what type of meat that is! 
It could be anything. 
Seriously...it's the Animal Digest revisited. 

*Do not trust an unnamed meat source!

I can't say it's euthanized animals, I can't say it's dead zoo animals, I can't say it's road kill...

I also can't say it isn't.

Are all by-products bad?

Are all by-products good?

Should they be avoided?

Do your best to steer clear of any pet food that lists-
 'Animal' or 'Meat' by-products.

Don't overspend for lower quality foods.

Can by-products harm your pet?

If they company can not name the source of the meat they are putting in your pets food!... they sure as hell can not be trusted to keep your pets healthy. 

They do not care. 

If they did then they would lower their profit margin and raise the quality of the meats they are adding to their so called 'foods'.

One more thing...If a company would rather spend money on websites and  marketing to try and change a consumers mind about their substandard products.. The FACT is, we are not buying into your MYTH nonsense.

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