
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Myth and The Meow


Carbohydrates cause obesity and diabetes in cats.

It’s now believed that many cases of feline diabetes are caused by excess carbohydrates in the diet.

As obligate carnivores, some of the metabolic pathways and

enzymes present in omnivores are redundant in the cat.

Cats’ natural diet is high in animal protein and fat and low in carbohydrate

               - the only carbohydrates eaten being those semi- digested in the gut of their prey.

                                                                       Nestle Purina  

Dude, you said that. 

Replacing dietary carbohydrate with protein appears
to be an effective means of slowing the release of glucose
into the bloodstream.

You guys said that too!

Dr Clémentine Jean-Philippe, DVM, Ph.D

European Scientific Communication Manager

Nestlé PURINA PetCare

Jean-Christophe Bouthegourd, PhD

Research Scientist –

Senior Nutritionist, Nestlé PURINA PetCare Amiens Product Technology Centre

Techincally it was these guys that said it.

I see, European...Cats in North America must be different right?

This is a cute little saying I saw on a web site -
"A cat needs carbohydrates like a fish needs a bicycle"
The same site also states 
 "The best diet advocated for healthy cats is a high-quality meat-based (beef, lamb, chicken, turkey) canned food that contains not more than 3 to 5 percent carbohydrates."

This site talks about what is the best diet for cats - Companions Animal Hospital 

  •  Many cells in a cat’s body require glucose, a form of carbohydrate, for energy
"Carbohydrates do provide quick and easy energy. However, it is not 'carbs' that maintain the health of the organs.., but glucose. Glucose can be obtained from both fat and protein through a process known as gluconeogenesis, where amino acids and fat (not fatty acids; those use a different cycle) are "converted" to glucose."
-The Many Myths of Raw Feeding
Carissa Kuehn speaks about the misconceptions in regards to a raw food diet - A pro raw food diet site.

What I have been reading is that the companies who sell pet foods containing carbohydrates  - are the ones trying to pump up the positive aspects of Carbohydrates in a Cats diet. 

The problem - it is simply not true. 
If an animal is meant to eat meat and we try to change their biological and evolutionary diet - we will cause damage. 
We have caused damage. 
Illnesses that a Cat in the wild would never face are now common.
We have taken these creatures out of the wild and now are trying to force them to comply to our theory on what they should be eating. 
Not because we think it is best for them.
Because it is cheaper. 
Because the profit margin is more important than their health. 

The truth is - yes, it is possible for a cat to eat carbohydrates.
Yes these Carbohydrates can be converted into glucose.
Yes they can survive on a diet that has moderate amount of Carbohydrates. 

My point is - should they?
Is it beneficial for them?
Are we putting their needs first?

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