
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Just when I think we are going to get a break....

Ain't no rest for the wicked.

Money don't grow on trees...

I wasn't signing Cage the Elephant.

Cage the kitty?


Ur no fun.

I am upset with humans.

Me too! why are you upset with them?

Because there are a bunch of jackasses that think abandoning cats in a carrier is a good idea!

Oh, you're that kinda mad.

Yes I am.

Why are you mad ?

Uhhh..cuz my capes are trapped in a cat proof closet..but we can talk about that later.

Good call.

I just don't get it! 
What would a stupid human have to be thinking of when they take 2 adult cats and shove them into a small carrier and place them behind a house. 
Sure it happens to be a house owned by an animal rights and rescue group - but it's an office!
There are not people there every day. 
There could be days when nobody is there.

These poor cats could have been stuck in that small cage for up to 15 hours. It was a hot day as well!!

If someone didn't happen to go there that day ....well it would have been a horrible site.

Why didn't they take them to the humane society?


Why didn't they call someone?


What about...

Sebby they are just ignorant asses who obviously do not give a damn what happens to these poor kitties.

That sucks.

They must be bad cats.

They are not !! They are sweet and loving and did not deserve to be abandoned like trash!!

I don't think I understand the mentality of the human.

Me neither! and I am one!!

I think you may have been a cat in a previous life..

You would make a cool cat.

Thanks. I think so too. Probably because I make a weird human.

That is why we get along.

So tell me about the newbies.

The male is orange and white. Medium hair, kinda like Cubby.

Is he like Cubby? cuz I keep hearing some weirdo meowing.

It is him meowing, but I am not sure what he is trying to accomplish yet.

I want attention!

Speaking of the meow...

Hey, yeah - attention. I want it.

Can I see him?


Why not???

Cuz I will be forced to show my strength and dominance through battle.

Yea, no. I can't fight without my cape. The human wont give me my cape .. so you will have to stay behind that door for now.

How about you go away so I can come out?

My house.

It is, it's his house. You are a visitor.


What about me?

Who's that????

Mau, the other cat.

She sounds pretty.

She is very pretty.

Mine, back off.

You don't own me!

I know, but you are more mine than his!

I am not a freaking item, you can't own me!

Human, you can let her out if you want.

No, she was just fixed. They were both just done. And I don't need you bugging her either.

I would never!

Yes you would!

I wouldn't...yeah I would.

What does she look like?

I look like the Egyptian cat statue!

She does.

I have no idea what that looks like.

No way! you got a cat with earrings???

Seriously Sebby? Your an idiot.

We are not all idiots.
No, that is the statue.

So who is that? is that the dude?

That's also a statue. Were you dropped on your head? maybe eat some bad nip?

No. Ur mean Willow.

Fine, I am mean.

Why don't you just post a picture of the damn cat then!


Ha, big baby!!

Shut your fur face!

o0o0o I'm so scared. 

Sleep with one eye open silly girl. 

Wow she really does look like the statue. You really do.

I know eh, I'm a model. 

What about me??? I'm cute too!!


Aww you really are! why do you look so sad?

It's a gift.

I am Eeyore by the way.


What's so funny???


Okay I get it.. I always look sad.. har har har.

But what is with the damn pink bow on his tail? 

You put a bow on my tail and I will bite you. 

No you wouldn't, you are much too sweet. 

Yeah, well just ...no bows. 

As you wish. 

So I am named after a sad donkey, what is Mau named after?
You didn't name her statue.. or is that the statues name?

No, the statues name is Bastet - I was not a fan of that name for her. 
There is a breed of cat called an Egyptian Mau.

It looks nothing like her, but I liked that it had something to do with Egypt.

Mau or Miw are the Ancient Egyptian words for cat, so there was that as well.

Sounds like you put a lot of thought into her name.. me you got as far as sad jackass.

Haha - well my first pic of names for the two of you were Edison and Nikola.

Ooo I like Nikola.

Sounds like Ricola -RIIIICOOOLAAAA

Anyways.. Mau and Eeyore were the ones picked.  
So when you are out there for adoption ...play it up.

I think I can handle that. 

The sad part. Not the jackass part. 



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