
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Jazz Hands

I can't think of an interesting topic so - 
Questions anyone?

Yeah, I have questions.

Okay then, ask away.

You can each have one turn. 

That's no fair! Why are you limiting our questions??
Wait!! Don't answer that- you would totally count that as my question.

Smart boy... 

Whats your question then?

I'm thinking. 


Yeah hi, my butts itchy! Well not my butt- my back end- top of my tail.. Why???!? 

That is a good question, I don't know.

Horrible answer.

It could be allergies. 
To what? 
Well it went away after I changed your food to grain free.

I'm a grain free kitty now, but the itch is back!? 

Yeah.. So maybe..uhh.

Uhh what? 

You have been getting a lot of wet food lately. 

Yes I love it!

It may not love you.

How could it not, i'm fabulous!

Its not grain free.

You dumbass!

I know!

My butt!!
My bad!!

I will switch. 

I will itch.



Why is Sebby such a jackass?

Because he thinks he is boss.

I am boss.

No you are not!

Prove it!

Oh come on, I just got that cape!

I just made the neck hole fit perfectly!

Who's boss?

I- hey!! Nooo don't!!
Your hurting the cape!!!
Put it down!!!

Say I am boss or the cape gets it!

This is extortion ! 
This is my house.

This is my cape!

Actually, it's my plastic bag.

You are so mean!!

You are so dramatic!

Uncle! I give!
You are boss.

Thank you, here.

Boss ass!


You can run, but you can't hide!

Seriously, you suck at hiding. I can see you right now. You are behind the table. 

The cape is not a cloak of invisibility.

I will get you my pretty.. And your little cape too!

Moving on..


Why does it still freak me out when someone walks in a room?

That is a good question. You run out of the room like a bat outta hell. 
I will go with chicken shit.

I was afraid of that. 
You are afraid of everything!

Not you!

Stop chasing me!



Make him stop!

Onyx go play, it's Molly's turn. 


Thank you.

Why don't you listen to me when I ask you very nicely for wet food?

Because you ask me every time I go to the kitchen. 

I was never taught to tell time.

I see so it's my fault?

Isn't everything?


Sebby, got a question?

Okay, why do you do jazz hands in my face after you finish eating? 

I am not doing jazz hands! 

Sure looks like it!

I am showing you that the food is all gone. So you stop hounding me. 

I get it. Jazz hands are the symbol for all done. 

Fine. Jazz hands are the symbol for all done. 


Yes I get it - jazz hands- all done.

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