
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween - Hiss & Howl

glitter maker

I am a big fan of Halloween, I even annoy the pets by dressing them up ( only long enough to take an embarrassing picture)
It's funny
They look so cute.. And annoyed.
Leaving an animal in a costume can be a very bad idea. 

Fluffy may be an idiot when it comes to costumes.

They will do everything in their furry power to get out of what ever you put them in.
Fluffy gets stuck halfway out of the costume- head in the sleeve and foot out of the head hole.

There are other versions of escape - some involving speed racer to fly through the house knocking over anything in its path. 

These are the least of your problematic escapes. 

Elastics, strings, small parts - they could all involve choking. 

Nobody wants that!

All you wanted was a silly picture right?

Take the picture then remove the costume.
Leave Fluffy alone- some cats will get stressed out when you attempt to contort them into a costume.
If Fluffy scratches you - good! You went to far. That cat was not cool with the concept and you should have respected that.

Fido tends to be a bit more lenient when it comes to costumes. 
Since we put a collar on them when they first come to us- and continue to do so- they are less surprised at something being attached to them.
Some still hate it.

Many dogs wear coats when it's cold - my dog shivers and that gives me the right to put a coat on her without feeling like I am dressing her up.
She actually likes her jackets - I think - she has not voiced an actual opinion.
She is fine with sweaters over head and being tricked into wearing costumes.

Again - these are only in for a few minutes... Unless it doubles as a jacket.
Fido can still get tangled - hell, humans get tangled trying to put on costume.

Never leave an animal unattended with a costume on. 
Pets are cute but they are not tiny people. 

People in costume - 


Costumes on humans could scare your pets - I don't know if they are thinking
Wtf is that thing!
Kill it with fire!
Run human I will save you!

Maybe they just think you look like an idiot.

Regardless, be aware that they may not react how they normally would.
If you take them out with your kids or just have them out for a walk - be aware.

The last thing you need is Fido flipping out on some weird ass clown!
Or scaring a tiny princess on her first Halloween as a big kid.

I will be posting more on Halloween - 
Killer Candy & Neon Nightmares 

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