
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Monday, October 20, 2014



Can't a kitty get a break?

A break from what? Napping? 

Har har

I mean from foster kitties!

Oh.. no.

No? Just No?

No Sebby. 

I think Cubby is actually losing what is left of his old mind. He needs a break - he wants in your room.

I can't there are ...


Hey! they were homeless  - Kenya would have died! 

There are just the three of them in there. 

Bronson already has a new home and has gone to live there. 

What about the others?

Bronson was a special case

Basket Case

No that's Saber

Bronson went to a home where he is going to be fostered then adopted to the person fostering him. 

Okay so Bronson is out, Augusta is already adopted... That leaves Kenya, Saber and Gotham.


When are they leaving. 

Not for awhile. 


Whats the big deal?

When they are not in here I may leave the room open a few times - but then you all annoy the crap out of me and I shut the door. 

Not my fault. 

Absolutely your fault!

How so? You always blame me for everything!

Things are fine, I try and go to sleep - Cubby is on the bed sleeping in the corner beside the pillow and along comes Jackass Sebby on a mission to attack! 

For no reason!

Oh I have a reason!

Oh? what is this reason?

Cubby is annoying. 

He isn't doing anything wrong! he isn't even meowing his silly face off ! He is sleeping peacefully.

That's what he wants you to believe. He is actually taunting me. Oh and he is calling you names.

Liar! Lies!!!!!

Don't worry Cubby, I know he is lying. 


Your tail twitches when you lie.

Stupid tail!

What about the new ones? 
Why are there always more! 
It's a damn revolving kitty door around here. 

Purrcy, Rio, Juliette, Trinity, Night, & Aliza were also homeless kitties. 

6!!! I thought there were only 3!

Well you were wrong. 

That odd feeling when you wish the previous foster kittens were still here..just so there would be no room for new ones...I am experiencing that feeling. 

How does it feel?

Like someone replaced my broken toy with another more annoying broken toy.

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