
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kitty Saga - part 2...

Here Kitty Kitty!

Temporary Kitty Hilton

It is actually rather roomy and warm

I betcha a live feed web cam would be helpful. 
Anyone got one?

Something ate the food last night.
Raccoons tend to toss the place after- no sign of any disturbance 

Dry is gone as well.

What ever it was - it was hungry.

I hope it was them. 
I hope they stayed the night.

Our road plan is fuzzy at best. 

Back at the location - it's later in the afternoon.

Something ate all of the wet food!

Wildlife is not really known for seeking out food in the daylight .. This is not a closed in area - it's by a small parking lot. 
I believe it's Minas family.
Cat with kittens

I am on kitty surveillance again.
What did people do before iphones? 
How would they be able to play Monster Busters?

I wish I had the power to see through fences - actually being able to talk to cats would fix all of this.
It would be so much simpler to bribe then.


Drats! There was a adult male Tabby eating the food tonight. 
I was still right thought...it was probably the daddy kitty.

Lets see what happens tomorrow....
I think these cats are part Polkaroo.
Come out come out where ever you are!!

Pause to see it that works...

I wonder if momma cat is watching me. Or Daddy kitty.

Or the people in the building behind me. 

I have seen a squirrel .. It almost fell off the fence .
That is it. 

It was a pain when the last batch of kitties from this area were located under a patio that was only accessible to cats.. But at least I knew where they where! I could bribe them then catch them as they came out.

Now. ... Now I don't have a proper bribing location.

No kitties today.
We will have to change our plans...

So... time to create a better plan.

For now..

Cat Nap

Okay who ate the food this time? 

 Daddy kitty? I will call call him  Merlin

Not much new on the meow front. 
Have not seen momma and babies for days. 

I still have not seen the male tabby 'Daddy' but he is being fed very well by us. 
We will be live trapping soon.
We sent out letters in the area to ask people to keep their cats inside - we don't want to trap them.

I worry about the little ones in regards to the trap.
I hope to think of something to raise the trap enough that the kittens will not attempt to go in. They may be able to set off the trap, but I don't know if it's safe to allow them to try.

Something makes me feel like they are still around. Wish I would see them.

Wishing helped! I saw the momma!!
Followed the momma..
Then recycling truck came and she saw me.
She is still around:) 

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