
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

10 Days till Christmas -99 CAT FACTS BUT A MYTH AIN'T ONE ( first 20)

        99 CAT FACTS


1. The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes Towser, the Glenturret cat, as the world mousing champion. A female long-haired tortoiseshell, Towser (who lived nearly to her 24th birthday), was stationed in a distillery in Crieff, Scotland, the home of Famous Grouse whisky. During her reign, she killed some 28,899 mice (per Guinness record).

2. Yet another reason to get your cat fixed -  A male cat’s penis has backward-facing barbs like fish hooks made of keratin that rake the inside of the female’s vaginal canal. So no.. the female cat is not having a good time.

3. Cats are lactose intolerant- As they grow, cats stop making the enzyme lactase, which breaks down their mother’s milk. So stop giving your cats milk!

4. Cats can rehydrate themselves by drinking Seawater! If they really need to. Btw so can Rats.

5.You can blame the death of possibly millions on a dumbass belief held by Gregory IX .
He was Pope from 1227 until his death in 1241. He believed that people were worshiping black cats as manifestations of the devil. His influence led to large-scale massacres of cats throughout Europe. Unfortunately this kitty genocide had a very bad backlash around 100 years later. In the late 1340s, rats infected with the Black Plague swept out of Asia, they found Europe to be a freaking wonderland, unprotected by the cats that would have gladly chomped down on these icky death delivering rats..and likely saved millions of lives. Stupid Gregory.

6. Declawing is seen as animal cruelty and is illegal in several countries throughout the world, including most of Europe, Israel, Brazil, and Japan.
San Francisco has now made it a crime!.
So we need to catch up and ban this horrific practice !!

7. The technical term for a cats hairball is Bezoar
A more pleasing sounding term.. yet still just as disgusting to step on. 

8. Cats can be right or left pawed. A study showed that their pawedness? depends on their sex.
Female Cats are Right Pawed. Male Cats are Left Pawed.

9. People and cats have practically identical sections in the brain that control emotion
That may be why they can be so jealous.

10. Approximately 40 000 humans are bitten by cats a year in the US
Haha.. I mean ..aww poor humans...

11. In Ancient Egypt, when a family cat died they would mourn by shaving on their own eyebrows.
Kinda glad we did not pick up that tradition...

12. Muezza - Mohammed loved cats and reportedly his favorite cat, Muezza, was a tabby. Legend says that tabby cats have an “M” for Mohammed on top of their heads because Mohammad would often rest his hand on the cat’s head.
I just looked at my one silver tabby named Rocky - he indeed has an M on his forehead. 

13. Some Siamese Cats look cross-eyed because they are actually doing that themselves! They are trying to compensate for an abnormal optic wiring that causes them double vision. 

14. Cats have 12 whiskers on each side - They also have whiskers on their legs!

15. There is a legend that states Isaac Newton invented the first Cat Flap.
Though this is argued.. there is one truth we know for sure.. he had a cat named Spithead!

16. A Cats nose print is kinda like a fingerprint.
Maybe we should print them and keep them on file? 
Then we could  just scan their nose. It could work... I want the credit if someone does it lol.

17. A group of cats is called a Clowder.
A male cat is called a Tom - unless it's neutered.. then it is called a Gib
A female cat is called a Queen or a Molly

18. Cat urine glows under black light because of the element Phosphorus

19. Cats have 5 toes on the front and 4 toes on the back...in general..

20. Cats only sweat through their paws!

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