
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Monday, December 8, 2014

15 Days till Christmas

When Christmas Trees
          Fight back

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
How Ouchy are your branches 
Both Cats and Dogs seem to have acquired the taste for pine/what ever type of tree- needles.
Their systems have not accepted this challenge.
Those pointy little needles can cause some serious damage to a Cat, at the least irritation.
Possibly obstruction or puncture.
Not even taking into account the toxicity of the tree - the needles themselves are risky.

Btw the fakes trees can just as easily cause these issues.
It is just a bit more work to get the needles off.
It is a job that some animals are happy to take on.

Oh Christmas Tree 
Oh Christmas Tree
Your water it doth poison me

The water used to keep the Christmas Tree alive can be extremely toxic to animals and kids. 
Preservatives, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Asprin, Fire Retardant Chemicals. 
Cover the water.. Don't leave it up to your pet to decide.. they willingly drink out of the toilet. 

Oh Christmas Tree 
Oh Christmas Tree
Your ornaments I shall kill thee

If you have a pet and have yet to celebrate the Christmas season with them - Cats murder shiny ornaments. 
They see them and think.. these things are pretty. They may attract more attention then I ! DIE!!!
For the less killy types of kitties, they are considered toys. 
Not a huge deal if you happen to shop at the Dollar Store. Kitty can have the stupid ornaments if she wants them that bad!

Unless they are glass...
Then they are danger.
Or if they have small parts.
Or if Fido thinks they look tasty.
Btw most things look tasty to Fido.   

Glass can smash - kitty smash!
Human or animal can step on little ornament pieces.  
Boo hoo for you... but for pets and children this is more of a concern. 

What seems to work well for pet owners is to not put ornaments on the lower parts of the tree.
This does not mean you can not put any - just make sure those suckers can't get pulled off.
Twist ties? Well as long as kitty doesn't get a hold of one of those...oh silly kitty.

If you put up at tree with all of your ornaments that have been passed down from generation to generation - in a house with cats - YOU'RE AN IDIOT.
Sorry, but seriously wtf are you thinking???
Kitty smash remember???
Don't chance it.

Personally I believe pets are more important than 'things' but that does not mean you just say screw it and allow them to destroy family heirlooms.
You can always figure out a way to display them that is still safe. Maybe there is a room that your meow can not get into?
Or a relative that does not have destructive creatures ?
Maybe just skip a year and wait till your cats have grown up a bit - though they may never grow out of trying to kill ornaments.

The sparkly bulbs 
and twinkly lights
The tree topper put up a fight.

What if your animal is known for chewing on cords? 
In my experience this generally is saves for phone cords and laptop cords. Speaker wires, also seem to be a tasty snack for some meows. 
In regards to Christmas tree lights, you have yummy cords together with shiny lights...sparkly goodness. Basically kitty crack. 
Just be aware - check your cords for any chew marks
Don't leave the tree plugged in when you are not home if you suspect a feline has been trying to assassinate it.  

If you are surprised to see your Christmas tree laying on the floor .. then you have never owned a cat. 
I swear it's a right of passage - like climbing Mount Everest.
What can you do? 
This site has a how to guide to protect your tree

If all else fails...Be a minimalist

Oh Christmas Tree 
Oh Christmas Tree
Your ornaments I shall horde thee

If you decide to use ornaments on the tree and come home to find a bunch missing...
They are probably under the furniture.
Think of where your cat seems to hide or lose its toys... you will find a collection.

Oh Christmas Tree 
Oh Christmas Tree
Your smell it taunts me
You wreak of nature
not of me, I shall fix that 
with a little pee
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
Your smell it taunts me
So you are wondering why Fluffy is acting a bit strange around the tree that you just brought in .. from outside... you know.. where other animals live?

You never know what has been in that tree.
Cats question your sanity...How could you bring a Squirrel, Racoon, Bird, other Bird, and what is that smell??  Human do you smell Deer? I think I smell Deer. 
There have also been 3 male Cats, 2 female Cats and a Skunk who have visited this tree.

This must be fixed. 
I must regain control over this nightmare. 
But what is a cat to do???
Wait.. I have an idea....
I will pee on it!
Not only will that tell the humans of my disdain for their blatant disregard for my feelings.. it will also let the world know that this is now mine.

Oh Christmas Tree... I loath yet love thee!

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