
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

19 Days till Christmas

Danger Fluffy Flufferson

Christmas Dangers Continued


Yes Cats & Dogs can get drunk - the stages are not.. funny guy, I love you man, why do you hate me, I'm gonna barf!
They are
  • Drooling
  • Retching
  • Vomiting or attempting to vomit
  • Distended stomach/bloat
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Weakness
  • Collapse
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Coma
  • Hypothermia
  • Death
If you are reading this and thinking - I would never give my pet alcohol! Do you think I am a complete asshat??

Good! I am very glad you would never give them any alcohol.
But would they help themselves?

 The answer is Yes
Dogs and Cats are tiny thieves who do not know any better.

Your glass or cup, or your friends.
It was left on the table, kitty knocked it off and doggie licked it up.

You have an idiot friend who thinks it would be funny...punch that guy in the junk.
Or..scratch that wench. 

Rum soaked fruit cake ( probably the only way they could get humans to eat it)
That is a mixture of alcohol and raisins !

Anything with alcohol!
Cleaning products
Cough Syrup 
Those disgusting chocolates with alcohol in them.. 

Much like the toxicity level of chocolate - different alcoholic beverages are higher risks then others.
Beer contains the lowest concentration of alcohol, usually around 4%.
Wine averages 10% 
Hard liquor can be as high as 90% alcohol.
Even small amounts of hard liquor can potentially kill a small dog or cat. 

You still can not give your pet alcohol - screw saying should not - NO YOU CAN NOT GIVE YOUR PET ALCOHOL!!

When a dog or cat is exposed to alcohol, it causes depression of their central nervous system.
In many ways, its effects on a pet's nervous system are similar to that of humans.
A dog or cat slows down, becomes drowsy and loses their coordination.
If they're exposed to higher levels of alcohol, it can depress their nervous system to the point that their breathing and heart rate slow down, and their body temperature drops.
Their blood chemistry is also altered, leading to a dangerous condition called metabolic acidosis where the blood becomes too acidic.
At this point, without treatment, death soon follows usually due to cardiac arrest.
Even if a dog or cat doesn't die from the acute effects of alcohol poisoning, it can be harmful to their kidneys and liver. Natural Wonder Pets

We as adult humans knowingly drink alcohol because .... well the reasons are not important.
We do it knowing the possible dangers.
An animal does not -there for they, like children should never have alcohol.

I mentioned unbaked dough yesterday - I am not sure if I made the seriousness of it clear enough

Unbaked Bread Dough will expand in the warm, moist environment of the stomach and can result in a bloated stomach (called “bloat”), which can then progress to a gastric-dilitation volvulus (GDV), which is a twisted stomach. Signs of GDV include vomiting, non-productive retching, a distended stomach, an elevated heart rate, weakness, collapse, and death. Secondly, when the yeast in the unbaked dough is fermented, it results in the production of carbon dioxide (causing the bloat) and alcohol. Alcohol from the fermenting yeast is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and results in alcohol poisoning quickly. Ingestion of alcohol can cause dangerous drops in blood sugar, blood pressure and body temperature. Intoxicated animals can experience seizures and respiratory failure.
Pet Poison Help Line 

 Knowingly giving your pet alcohol is Animal Abuse

Carelessly leaving dangerous things around for your pet to get into is Stupid - try not to be stupid.
Stick out from the crowd, aim to be different then a high % of humans in this world.

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