
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Friday, December 19, 2014

4 Days Till Christmas - 99 Cat Facts But A Myth Ain't One - 78-88



78. Cats need only about one sixth of the light humans need to function in the dark.
79. FIV is the feline version of HIV - though the feline version can not infect a human and the human version can not infect a feline

80. Reverse Zoonoses - no that does not mean backwards noses on zoo animals. This is when our (human) illnesses cross over and infect animals.

81. How to trim your cats nails - Video
That kitty was very well behaved ! 
If you have a harder time controlling Mr Meow, I suggest having a friend help by them holding ..distracting.. the kitty and you do the trimming. 
I sit on the floor with my legs crossed, at times using a leg to keep kitty from bolting. ( With the more unwilling kitties when I have no help)
A towel can help - or blanket - wrap kitty leaving one paw out at a time. 
Do not feel like you need to be the one doing this! ask for help. You can bring them into a groomers...though that may be traumatic. Your best bet is to make friends with a crazy cat person...

82. Kitty Vaccination Scheduled .
Many people have come to realize that adopting a kitten is way cheaper because some - if not all - of their kitten vaccinations have already been done.

83. Cat Anatomy ( Don't worry, it's the kids version - all drawings )

84. Dogs understand more words, but Cats can communicate better then dogs
There are many theories behind the resistance of kitties and learning language. The best one is they probably do know a lot more - but they prefer to ignore us.

85. Cats can learn sign language , and..to sign back!!
The link does not show the kitty signing, but youtube does!

86. Want early warning of a possible earthquake ? forget science - get a cat!
Only problem...Cats are notoriously strange animals .. we would be running for cover every 10 minutes

87. We all have seen Therapy Dogs - What about Therapy Cats?
Not gonna lie.. the world would be a simpler place to deal with if I could bring a meow everywhere I went.

88. Freddie Mercury dedicated his first solo album 'Mr. Bad Guy' To his felines

* I realize I am ahead of the clock...

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