
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

When the Human goes away...

Sebby Shall Complain ..

   Human - Sebby - Willow
So the prodigal Human returns...

I was gone for a day.

You say that like it's okay!

It was only a day!

Only???   There could have been a tidal wave!
A hurricane!
Aliens could have abducted us!!

We live no place near an Ocean
There is no chance of a hurricane in this location.
And excellent, finally you can be reunited with your  leader.

You so funny.

Don't change the subject human!
Where were you? 
Why did you leave?
And most importantly..
What did you get us.

I was away.
Because I had to.

Wow. You are on thin ice.

Am I?
And what is your furry little but going to do.

It's gonna... I'm gonna...we're gonna..

I'm not telling!

Sure thing Sebby.

The house was invaded.
No it wasn't.
How would you know!
Okay, who invaded and what did they take?

A lady! She fed us.. 

How dare she!

She took my picture!

Unheard of!

You mean this picture?

What The!
How did you...
I don't..
You sent in a spy!

Yah. That's what I did.
I sent in a spy to feed you.

I knew it all along. 
That's why I told her those things. 
I knew she was working for you all along.

Ha.. yeah totally knew.. this was all just a joke. 
A joke .. I was pulling your leg. 

Oh okay, because she did mention that you said you owned the place. 
That I was a guest.
A guest that you let stay as long as I did the cleaning and fed you. 
That you were actually my boss. 
Lies. I would never say that. 
Ridiculous lies. 
She was totally drunk.
You should not listen to a thing she says. 
I will mention that to her, specially the part about her drinking. 
She told me she had the flu, so I will let her know that you caught her lying. 
Nooo, no need. She does not need to know I said that. 
I  mean, it could embarrass her.
Naw, that can be our secret. 
So you don't want me to say anything?
I was just going to call her. 
I'm gonna call her. 
Uh.. umm
Don't involve me in your lies. 
I like the visitor Human. 

You're lying.
Sorry, I can't hear you. 
Happy now?
Next time bring us back stuff. 
And Willow stole a bag a treats off the counter. 

You Rat!

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