
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Cat Ailmentes A to Z - What about...


Though one would not consider Whiskers as an ailment... 
It's my blog I can do what I want to.

Vibrissae - Tactile Hair
  • Each thick whisker is filled with tiny, super sensitive nerves that help your cat judge distance and space.
It helps them make decisions in their every day activities - such as realizing that they can not fit under the door.. but they can fit in that box. 
  •  They also aid in judging how far a cat needs to jump to reach another spot - generally where they are not suppose to be. 
Whiskers do not actually have any say in what the cat does. 

Have you ever seen a blind cat?
Wonder how they manage to get around so well?

  • A Cats Whiskers are the width of their body.
This allows them to gracefully slither around our legs.
Unfortunately these Whiskers can not inform them how dumb that can be when we are carrying something. 

  • The tips of each Whisker has a sensory organ.
This allows them to pick up vibrations in the environment. 
They also can pick up the vibrations of other creatures.
Us human creatures try our best to sneak up on Fluffy..That does not tend to work.. so instead we make quick movements close to where they are checking something out...
Causing them to leap in the air. 
Cuz we are jerks. 

  • The follicles of their Whiskers are very deep, and they have many nerve endings that send messages to their brain. 

  •  Cats have Whiskers beside their nose ( those are the main ones ) 
  • Above their eyes ( kitty eyebrows?)
  • On their chin ( tiny goatee?)
  • And on the back of their front legs near their paws ( hairy ankles?)

Okay so why the chin and the ankles?

  • Cats actually have poor close up vision - yet their prey is small (mouse) ..sometimes very tiny ( fly)   
They also have a blind spot located right under their noses. 
Their chin and ankle whiskers aid in positioning their lunch for the fatal bite. 

They also help with understanding their surroundings just like the ones on the face. 
Think of them as security fence all around their body. If something moves - kitty knows. 
If they are in the dark - no biggie - they have Whisker vision. 

Whiskers can also talk. 
Okay technically they can't actually speak.
They can however, provide humans with the body language we need to understand when a cat is content or may be scared or angry. 

When they have their Whiskers back, close to their face - something is not right in kitty town. 
It could be a simple - 'wtf was that?' 
'you best be getting outta my face!'
Clearly it is smart to know the basics in all of the cats body language. 

 If you guessed that this cat is mad... good.. now get out of its face.

The ears tend to be accompanied by the whiskers. 
And the vocals.
 The tail may come silently ...
but their annoyance will not be ignored. 
The ears & vocals may come next.

 The body posturing tends to be seen more when the cat is face to face with another cat.
Or you just chased Fluffy into a corner. 
Respect kitties space or get scratched in the face.

I have a favorite ... I call it Halloween Kitty
It is a mix of WTF and DON'T MESS WITH ME
oh and also
but basically what the cat is really saying is 

One last thing.
They may fall out from time to time but that's okay. 

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