
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Coda & Willow

*This is a foster kitty named Willow, not my Cat named Willow*

Our turn???
Geez, took long enough. 
I know, but now you can tell everyone about yourselves.

Me first!

Okay Willow, you first. 

K, firstly- I'm the better one!

Hey! Not true!

You are both fantastic, no talking like that. 

I'm Willow, 
I'm awesome.
Some say awesomer..


What! I said some!
I'm feeling a bit censored here.

I'm not censoring you. It's just not nice to say you are better than another.

Besides.. It's not true. I'm clearly the better one. 

Coda, you're not helping.

I'm sorry...was I suppose to be?

Let's start over. 

Willow, tell me about yourself.
I'm a beautiful young girl.
I have a spectacular coat of black hair. 
It's nice and shiny and long. 

Me too!

It's still my turn.

I'm aware.

I love to play, toys are awesome!!
I love to sit on laps, laps are awesome!
If you're not around, just leave a piece of clothing. I will just lay on that till you get back.

The following game is fun, I'm really good at it.

I'm not a fan of doors. At least when they are closed.
But I won't freak out about it. I will just lay  on the other side and wait for you to come to your senses.

You done yet?

Darnit.. I forgot what I was going to say!

Good, my turn.

I'm Coda.
Way cooler name, cuz I'm a way cooler cat!
My sister and I look the same except I have had eye surgery. 
That's right.. I'm not perfect, if that bothers you then maybe you should get a build-a-bear! 

My eye was attacking me.
It had to be stopped.

Uhh, not exactly.
Your eye lid was turning inwards and without surgery it would have caused sever damage to the eye.

That's what I said!

So like I said my one eye was misbehaving. Due to the surgery my one eye looks slightly smaller.
Get over it.

I love toys.. More than Willow!
I carry them around in my mouth. 
I have a favorite one.. A blue and white mousie with a long tail.

Laps are cool, but the big kitty condo is better!

I love my sister so it would be awesome if we got adopted together.. But if not then pick me!
That was very nicely put.

I like the build-a-bear part. 
It was rather clever of me.

Can I get a build-a-bear?
Just kidding, but can we post a picture of one. 


I want a build-a-bear.
Sorry meows.
These are kinda awesome.

Pft.. I bet they don't have dragons .

Fine.. but I meant to say Giraffe ...no a Bear in a Giraffe costume!!

I quit. 
You win. 
Build-a-Bears are awesome. 
Can I trade Willow in for one?



Can I trade you in for one?

Build-a-bears can't open cans. Or buy treats. Or toys.

I was just kidding............ Forget I said that.

See, told you I was better.


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