
Alright Meow, it's 2015!


Fun Finds
A page dedicated to cool cat stuff

-I am going to be adding new things at the top - 

Cat Burger Bed

This is actually rather interesting - Instead of hiding your cats food from Fido - you can - well...hide it 




And This!!

This is fun...I get to find cool kitty stuff.. I shall continue!

Okay, this thing looks promising...


Sometimes I feel rather dumb.. for not thinking of these things first!!



I shall only post 5 at a time....or I will be up till 4am adding more and more! Because, yes.. I find this fun!

New day!
New finds!


Seriously, if you have ever had to drive a distance with a cat..
You can fit a hooded litterbox in there! Food, toys, water! so much room!!




Okay, so I added 6 this time. I consider the 2 decals as 1.. so I am back to 5.

I can't follow my own rules.


Kittybox that looks like a toilet...interesting concept



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