
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Vitamin B1 Deficiency

Thiamine Deficiency

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency

Thiamine plays a role in:
  • Helping the body metabolise carbohydrates into energy
 Thiamine (vitamin B1) is absorbed from the diet via the small intestine and is a key component of effective carbohydrate metabolism
  • Maintaining a healthy heart 
  • Maintaining a healthy  nervous system
  • Maintaining healthy brain function

Thiamine is found in:
  • Bread
  • Brewers yeast
  • Legumes
  • Liver
  • Meat
  • Milk
  • Some Fruits and Vegetables
  • Whole-grains

A lack of Thiamine may cause:

  • Abnormal or spastic gait
  • Anorexia
  • Aggression
  • Ataxia
  • Bradycardia
  • Cervical Ventroflexion (necks flexed/rigid, which causes an inability to raise the head, the chin rests near the chest)
  • Circling
  • Dilated Pupils
  • Falling
  • Head tilt
  • Incoordination
  • Loss of Righting Reflexes
  • Opisthotonos (backward arching of the head, neck, and spine)
  • Salivation
  • Stupor
  • Seizures
  • Twitching 
  •  The absence of thiamine can also lead to a buildup of lactate in the body and result in acidosis.
 Causes of Thiamine Deficiency:

If a cat is fed a diet containing large amounts of raw fish
  • Raw fish contains the enzyme Thiaminase
  • Thiaminase destroys Thiamine
  • Cooking destroys Thiaminase ( which protects the Thiamine)
Sulphur Dioxide (pdf regarding sulphur dioxide as a preservative)
  • Also known as Preservative 220
  • Pet food manufactures were limited to using Sulphur Dioxide as a preservative for many years
  • Natural preservatives have been gaining popularity with the use of  Citrus products
  • Sulphur Dioxide inactivated Thiamine
  • Pet food manufactures that use this as a preservative must monitor their products to ensure they contain adequate levels of Thiamine ( or hey.. why not just skip adding it in the first place?)
Thiamine is Soluble in Water
  • It can be lose if cooked in water
  • If you cook your cats food in water- use as little as possible 
High Heat can destroy Thiamine 
  • Manufactures must monitor their products to ensure they contain adequate levels of thiamine to compensate for the loss during the cooking process
Cheap Brands 
  • Cheap or generic brands of cat food may not monitor the levels of Thiamine as carefully as some other brands would. 
  • Cheaper brands tend to use cheaper products - a natural preservative would not be cheaper. 
  • Do the math - poorly monitored levels of Thiamine in a food that probably contains sulphur dioxide.
  • My personal belief is that cheaper brands contain cheaper products - these products may come to the manufacturer as what I would call 'bottom of the barrel' In order to ensure the food does not contain a plethora of bad - they cook the hell out of it. High heat can destroy Thiamine.
  • Chances are - people buying the cheap brands are not reading the labels as much as the consumer who buys a higher cost cat food ( not always true, but the cheap companies are counting on the fact that people don't read the ingredients.)
  •  Speaking of ingredients. The food items that contain Thiamine are in low..very low quantities.
  • There is not enough Thiamine in Corn  ( guess your screwed Purina)
Physical Reasons
  • Prolonged lack of appetite
  • Diseases that cause malassimilation or malabsorption of nutrients
  • Extensive surgical resection of jejunum and ileum
  • Diuresis (excessive urination)
 Cats require three times the amount of thiamine that dogs do, making them especially sensitive to thiamine loss. 

If you suspect your cat is experiencing a Thiamin(Vitamin B1) Deficiency- Get them in to see a Vet
  • Keep tabs on any recalls 
  • Be an informed consumer 
  • Don't cheap out! It may cost you much more in the end
  • If you are cooking your own pet food - make sure it meets your cats needs
  • If you are feeding Raw - make sure you speak with someone who understands pet nutrition
  • Don't assume you know what your pet needs - just because an animal in the wild would not need supplements- consider the fact that we have created this need over many many years of domestication ( and feeding poorly made foods )
  • It is never to late to change foods!
  •  Try not to buy into the hype of a product
  • Do not base your pet food choices on Marketing/ Commercials/ Fancy packaging ( consider the fact that these companies are spending huge amounts of money on marketing - instead of trying to improve their product )

Further Reading

Friday, February 27, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Umbilical Hernia

 Cats have belly buttons?

All mammals have them. 

The belly button, also called the umbilicus, is where the umbilical cord attaches when the kitten is a fetus in its mother’s uterus. 
The umbilical cord goes between the fetus’s belly button and the mother’s placenta. 
In the fetus, the belly button is an open hole that allows the blood vessels inside of the umbilical cord to enter the fetus’s body. 
This is how the mother supplies the fetus with nutrients.

This hole - The umbilical ring- naturally closes after birth.
At least it's suppose to.

After a few days, the umbilical cord naturally falls off.
 A normal kitten belly without a hernia will show little to no sign of a belly button.
Just a cute belly. 
  A Hernia is a condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it.
An Umbilical Hernia is a protrusion of the abdominal lining, abdominal fat or a portion of abdominal organ(s) through the area around the umbilicus (navel or belly button)

These types of hernias can be considered complicated or uncomplicated. 

An Umbilical Hernia that is considered complicated - contents of the abdominal cavity have passed through the opening and have become entrapped. For example the intestine.  This is the more concerning of the two. 

An uncomplicated Umbilical Hernia - appears as a soft swelling or bulge beneath the skin around the area of the kittens belly button. It may come and go and often does not appear to be causing much distress.

Umbilical Hernias are generally fixed when the animal goes in to get spayed or neutered.
It is important to allow your vet to check over the kitten to make sure it is an uncomplicated hernia vs a complicated hernia which could be more problematic.

Since there are other types of Hernias - it is best to not assume you know what you are feeling on your pets belly - get it checked out.

VCA Animal Hospitals

Thursday, February 26, 2015


A Loving Family.


Hi, my name is Night.

This is my sister Rio.

We are looking for a family, a good one!
I would be fine on my own, but my sister is very shy and I don't wanna leave her alone and scared. 
Maybe you can adopt us both?
Or just Rio, if you already have a meow at home that will protect her.

I can wait if it means finding her a good home.
That's what brothers are supposed to do.
So far my sisters Trinity and Juliette have found homes with great families.

Juliette even sent us a picture!

I guess you are wondering why we...I mean they.. Are so shy? 

Well, we were born outside, there was none of that cold white stuff out there. 
What the hell is that??
Snow.. evil snow...

When we were big enough to be on out own, mom would leave us for a bit. 
But she always came back!
Except one time she didn't. 
( according to locals she was hit by a car)
There were 6 of us.
Then there were 5.
( we were informed that one of the kittens took ill and instead of taking the kitten into a vet a local shot and killed the sick kitten)
Then there were 4
I will let the Human tell you the story.

NAfA was informed by someone who took in a kitten with a botfly in their neck- this person informed us of the situation after they found out about its siblings, and what happened to the sick kitten and mother.
The man had been caring for the kitten in his garage. 
It was a few weeks between the time he took in the kitten and the time he called us. 

Purrcy was brought into the program.

He is a very social and sweet cat.
The difference between him and his siblings were like night and day.

Maybe you should have called him Day!

Well, 'Day' was adopted about 2 months ago.

Some humans tricked us into a livetrap. 
We were taken to a home. 
The Human that is helping me with the story..that's where we went. 
Hey Human, what were we like?

They were very cute chickens. 

You spelled Kitten wrong.

No I didn't.
They seemed semi feral. 
At the same time did not show any signs of aggression. 

Well gee human, since when were chickens aggressive!

Highly sarcastic, but not a mean bone in their bodies.
They were scared, but  they were safe and healthy.

Next step was to teach them to trust humans.

Which ones? 
The shooty or the runny over?

The livetrappy.

I'm working on it.

I agree, you are absolutely slowly attempting to de-chickonize.

Stop making up words.

Stop hiding in my jacket when I carry you around.

Lets just agree to work on our issues?


I'm doing better than Rio, I purr.
Rio is doing a bit better at being carried around.
It's a work in progress.

Treats help.

That they do!

So that's our story.

So far.

True, we are waiting to create some new chapters.

Maybe with you?

Not me.

I meant them! You ruined a perfectly good ending!

Sorry, try again.

Please find it in your heart.. To save us from this silly human!

Gee thanks.

You're welcome!
I was being sarcastic.
As was I.

Say goodnight.

Great Night!

Awesome Night!

Super Cool Fantastic Night!


Bye :)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Tapeworm


If only every icky thing could be made into a cute stuffed toy

What is a Tapeworm
A Tapeworm is a Intestinal Parasite

Parasites are the hitchhikers of the world.
They can not survive on their own.
They need a host.
They thrive inside the body of an animal or human, but once outside of the body they die.

Dipylidium Caninum is by far the most common species observed in cats.

Fleas are the intermediate host for Dipylidium Caninum. 

In other words, the tapeworm is unable to complete its life cycle without the presence of fleas in the environment.
Meaning - regardless of what you have seen, the cat must have ingested a flea in order to have tapeworms.
 Needless to say...the chances of a cat having tapeworm grows with the amount of fleas

The tapeworm uses its hook-like mouthparts for anchoring to the wall of the small intestine.
  • Eventually, adult tapeworms may reach several inches in length. 
As the adult matures, individual segments called proglottids break off from the main body of the tapeworm and pass into the cat's feces.
  • The segments may often be seen near the anus of the cat.
  • Each tapeworm segment has its own reproductive organs. ( well that's kinda creepy)
  • The segments that are found around the cats anus may move if recently passed
  • When they dry, they look like grains of uncooked rice or cucumber seeds.( which is extra icky if you were planning to have rice for dinner)
This is usually how the owner recognizes the Tapeworm infection

  • Sometimes, if the cat vomits up Tapeworms you will see it in one long strand. (also not pleasant)
Just to warn you... sometimes it does not make it all the way out.. so the cat takes it back in.. That is the nicest way I can explain that...

  • Another sign of Tapeworm would be seeing your cat dragging its butt across the carpet... (Oh joy, poor meows, its gotta feel weird)

Due to Fleas being a host - if you see fleas it may be a good idea to keep on eye on the cats butt... fun times.. and it is always a good idea to examine the litter box ( the things we do for our meows)

Tapeworms are the Houdinis of the worm world.
They dry up and generally are not seen in a fecal exam.
Tapeworms look like rice and are generally known to hang out on your pets butt. 
If you are not sure what you are seeing.. this may sound kinda weird..Take a picture
Then your vet can see for themselves.
Worm selfie ?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Sporotrichosis

Sporothrix Schenckii


Sporotrichosis is an infection caused by a fungus called Sporothrix schenckii.
The fungus lives throughout the world and can be found in:
  • Soil
  • Plants

  • Decaying Vegetation.

 Cutaneous (skin) infection is the most common form of infection and usually occurs after handling contaminated plant material, when the fungus enters the skin through a small cut or scrape.
That is according to the CDC which is speaking in regards to human contact with the fungus.

If you see your cat holding a plant...you may want to get a few pictures. 

Your Cat will not be handling plant material, or soil or decaying vegetation. It will be walking through it.. stepping on it and then grooming its self which will cause it to be spread from paw to ear or face or even...to us!
This is another one of those Zoonotic diseases that Cats can pass to humans.

The large number of organisms shed from the wound and in the feces of infected cats is believed to be responsible for the increased zoonotic potential of feline sporotrichosi

Self cleaning kitty litters... and hazmat suits? 

In cats, intact male cats that roam outdoors and fight are predisposed to puncture wounds.
The evil fungus is very fond of infecting through a wound.
The cat does not have to be intact to become infected or to infect other animals.
An intact male tends to roam more, and tends to fight more.
Get your Cats fixed and keep them inside...just saying...

There are 3 types - or forms of Sporotrichosis 
  • Small, firm bumps or nodules form
  • As infection ascends along the lymphatic vessels, cording and new nodules develop. 
  • Lesions ulcerate and discharge a serohemorrhagic exudate. ( they start to ooze a mix of blood and serum)
  • Lesions are most often seen on the head, especially on the bridge of the nose and outer ear
  • Fighting would result in wounds located on the limbs and torso, tail and neck ( so sounds like you will at least be less likely to see it on their bellies)
  • Although systemic illness is not seen initially, chronic illness may result in fever, listlessness, and depression.
  • Remains localized to the site of inoculation ( where it got in the body - cut or wound )
  • Lesions may be multicentric( have multiple centers of origin )
  •  Rare but potentially fatal and may develop with neglect of cutaneous and lymphocutaneous forms. 
  • Infection develops via hematogenous(carried by blood) or tissue spread from the initial site of inoculation to the bone, lungs, liver, spleen, testes, GI tract, or CNS

The Lymphocutaneous form is the most common. 

Merck Veterinary Manual 

Those sites above can give you more information on how this would be diagnosed and treated. 

I wont be posting any images of what this looks like on a cat. 
- It does not look nice. 

The good news is this does not seem to be common around here (Canada)
The bad news is..Cats live outside of Canada...

The absolute best way to prevent this from occurring is to KEEP YOUR CAT INSIDE 


Outside is just mean at times.  
I know it seems as if we are confining them in some sort of jail.. at least that is how my current foster kitty seems to look at  me thinking...But he's an intact street kitty..well he was a street kitty.. and as of Tuesday he will be neutered. 

I am not sure if any of the sites give any indication on how to stop the fungus from starting in the first place...this may be helpful - If I find some info in regards to that I will add it later. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Who the hell is ...





I thought we had a deal?

What are you talking about?

You know what I am talking about, don't play dumb with me. 

What ever do you mean??

Human, you may be able to pull the wool over some kitties eyes.. but not mine!
I watched you bring him in. 
I can smell him. 
Hell, I could smell him before you even opened the door.. I'm a cat.. we have better smellers. 

Smellers eh.

Don't make fun of my kitty dialect. 

Kitty dialect? You are on a roll tonight Sebby.

What can I say, I am clever.. wait a minute stop tying to change the subject!


There's a cat in my room? Who?

How am I suppose to know. 

Well if you don't know then what are you talking about?

I'm, you're trying to double talk me.. stop it. 

Sebby, are you getting paranoid again?
Do you think there is an FBI kitty in my room?
Or maybe a spy kitty?

Yeah I have a spy kitty in my room.

No! stop it ! You know exactly what I am talking about. 
Enough of this tomfoolery...

Yes I said tomfoolery...

Fine, yes there is a cat in my room.


And what?


And he is an intact adult male street kitty.

And what was our agreement? 

No adult males.

Technically no adults, but I allow the momma kitties when they are with their babies. 

You allow?

You want to see me not allow???

What are yous saying?

You are breaking the rules. 

They are my rules, I can break them if I like.
How would you like to live on the streets?
Not have a warm place to sleep?
Have to huddle close to anything warm just to stop from shivering?

How would you like to have frost bitten ears?
Scratches on your face from being in fights?
How would you like that the only reason you don't have fleas be because you were too cold for them to survive?

Well, I guess I wouldn't like it very much. 

No you wouldn't !

I am too pretty for street life. 

You are rather pretty.

Okay, so whats his name?


How old is he?

Not sure, I would say 4 or 5

Where is he from?


Has he ever had a human?

Don't know, but he has been on the street for awhile now.

Poor kitty. 
Okay, I will let it slide.. seeing as it's really cold out. 
But you gotta get him neutered. 

I will, we couldn't get him in yet.

You can't let him out to play.
I'm not scared.. but he could try and fight.. then I would have to defend myself.. and ..

I have a reputation to uphold


Hey, what are you laughing at!

Your rep. 
You may be tough, but if someone steps on your tail, or even grazes your paws you cry like a baby. 

I do not!

Actually Sebby, you do.
You would get your furry little butt handed to you. 

I don't have to stand here and take this!


Sebby, seriously.. he was sleeping.  Don't take out your big babyness on a sleeping Cubby.

Nice, smack a 15 year old sleeping kitty.

Stop talking to me ! I am not talking to anyone anymore. You are all jerks! JERKS!

He is such a drama queen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Rabbit Fever


Don't blame the Bunny!

Seriously, the Bunny had nothing to do with it. 
It was the Tick. 
Giant Microbes may be able to make this guy cute.. but the real version is ugly.. and nasty.

Tularemia is also called 
Deerfly fever; Pahvant Valley plague; Ohara disease; Yato-byo ; Lemming fever
Why it isn't just called Tick Bite Fever or Stupid Ticks Suck Disease  - is beyond me. 
The worst sounding version is the Pahvant Valley Plague.
Maybe calling it Rabbit Fever was a way to take the fear out of it?
I mean...
Nope, still rather be around those vs ..
Ick...the Tick.
Okay...  on with the story...
After reading  more, I have learned that it may not just be the fault of Ick the Tick.
Infection can be caused by:
  •  Ingesting contaminated food (raw meat from infected animals) 
-Eating animals which are infected - rodents/rabbits
  • Drinking contaminated water.
  • Airborne bacteria - entering mucus membranes though breaks or cuts in skin
  • Deer Flys
  • Ticks

Showing no signs at all
Mild fever
Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)
Pneumonia and/or 
Enlargement of Livers or Spleens. Death
Tularemia is a rare infectious disease that can attack the skin, eyes, lymph nodes, lungs and, less often, other internal organs. Tularemia is caused by the bacterium Francisella Tularensis

This is not only an issue for Animals. 
Humans also become infected.
Tularemia is considered a Zoonotic Disease - meaning it can be passed from animal to human.
Tularemia spreads to humans through several routes, including insect bites and direct exposure to an infected animal. Highly contagious and potentially fatal, Tularemia usually can be treated effectively with specific antibiotics if diagnosed early.

Unlike some infectious diseases that spread from animals to people through a single route, tularemia has several modes of transmission. How you get the disease usually determines the type and severity of symptoms.
Here is a list geared to Humans

  • Insect bites. Although a number of insects carry tularemia, ticks and deer flies are most likely to transmit the disease to humans.
  • Exposure to sick or dead animals. Handling or being bitten by an infected animal, most often a rabbit or hare. Bacteria enter the skin through small cuts and abrasions or a bite, and an ulcer forms at the wound site. The ocular form of tularemia can occur when you rub your eyes after touching an infected animal.
  • Airborne bacteria. Bacteria in the soil can become airborne during gardening, construction or other activities that disturb the earth. Inhaling the bacteria can lead to pneumonic tularemia.
  • Contaminated food or water. Although uncommon, it's possible to get tularemia from eating undercooked meat of an infected animal or drinking contaminated water. 
The best way to insure your cat does not come into contact with this disease 
Keep them indoors
Apply Flea/Tick prevention
Do not allow them to eat rodents/rabbits
Both human and feline should be monitored for tick exposure 
When in doubt, let the Vet check it out
( I suppose the humans can go to their own Dr)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Quiz

Meow In Question

Think you know meows?
Here are some questions
Click the link for the answers
How many can you get right?

Scrolling over the links may give away the answer - no cheating!!

1. What was the age of the oldest cat according to:

2. What is the name of the Egyptian Cat God/Goddess

3. What colour or colouring can only be genetically female?

4. What is Grumpy Cats name?

5. What did ancient Egyptians do to themselves when morning the loss of their cats?

6. How many kittens were in the largest litter born to one Momma cat at one time?

7. Can cats be right or left pawed?

8. According to the Guinness Book of World Records ( as of 2002) - how many 'toes' did one Polydactyl cat have that made it the winner?

9. Whats is the clinical term for 'Fear of Cats'

10. What ingredient may be missing in dog food but  is mandatory in cat food?

11.Do Cats always land on their feet?

12. A Bezoar is ?

13. Cats can not taste ______?

14.  Cats mostly sweat through their _______?

15 A cats _______ is just like a fingerprint

16. The Jacobson Organ is located where within a cat?

17. What is the average gestation period for a Momma Cat?

18. Where else can cats have whiskers?

19. The Feline form of AIDS is called?

20. Can Cats get stuck in trees?

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cat Ailments A to Z - Poison


No, not that kind
 This kind

Valentines Day is Saturday - NO LILIES 
If they are unaware of the dangers towards their kitties - Let them know that you were informed by a very strange yet caring Human.
And that Human did not need to suggest a photo or work of art because as their loving companion.. you already thought of that!

BEWARE OF CHOCOLATE - This is something that you should be leery but okay to buy - unless you have a thieving feline
Cats are less likely to eat the box of Chocolates - but it's still considered toxic.
Dogs - they would absolutely possess the ability to eat the whole box..including the box.
Ferrets - I don't know much about them..but they look sneaky - and Chocolate is toxic to them as well. 
 (I would suggest pointing out your lack of Chocolate if you normally buy some for them...just saying.. an explanation may save someone from over thinking... )


What did I just tell you??? NO LILIES. 
There is also Chocolate. 
Are you trying to piss me off???
Cuz it's working. 

It's Grumpy Cat!!!!! 
That me
I mean that's perfect!

The following  may be dangerous to your pets:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Apple seeds 
  • Apricot pits 
  • Avocados
  • Cherry pits
  • Candy (particularly chocolate—which is toxic to dogs, cats, and ferrets—and any candy containing the toxic sweetener Xylitol) 
  • Coffee (grounds, beans, and chocolate-covered espresso beans)
  • Garlic
  • Grapes 
  • Gum (can cause blockages and sugar free gums may contain the toxic sweetener Xylitol)
  • Hops (used in home beer brewing) 
  • Macadamia nuts 
  • Moldy foods 
  • Mushroom plants 
  • Mustard seeds 
  • Onions and onion powder ( was not aware of the powder)
  • Peach pits 
  • Potato leaves and stems (green parts) 
  • Raisins 
  • Rhubarb leaves 
  • Salt 
  • Tea (because it contains caffeine) 
  • Tomato leaves and stems (green parts) 
  • Walnuts 
  • Xylitol (artificial sweetener that is toxic to pets)
  • Yeast dough
 The list is long, it is hard to know what is good for them and what is not. 
Stick to what you know. 

Humans Medications

  • Antidepressants
  • Cancer medicines
  • Cold medicines
  • Diet pills
  • Pain relievers (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen)
  • Vitamins and other supplements
Don't be stupid - if you drop a pill  FIND IT
If you can't find it - KEEP LOOKING
Weirdo kitties like to lick pills. 
They also like to lick medicine cups.
Dogs like to eat pills and eat medicine cups.

Flowers and Plants 
Plant Poison list available here

It is a very long list - stick to plants you know.
Or memorize the plants that are most toxic

  • Antifreeze
  • Ice melting products
  • Rat and mouse bait
  • Animal toxins—toads, insects, spiders, snakes and scorpions
  • Blue-green algae in ponds
  • Citronella candles
  • Cocoa mulch
  • Compost piles Fertilizers
  • Flea products
  • Outdoor plants and plant bulbs
  • Swimming-pool treatment supplies
  • Fly baits containing methomyl
  • Slug and snail baits containing metaldehyde
Outside can be a very toxic and dangerous place for your pet. 
If you allow your pet outside - KNOW YOUR PROPERTY 
If you allow your pets to leave your property alone then you are risking their lives - EVERY SINGLE TIME
Common Household Hazards
  • Fabric softener sheets
  • Detergent - Liquid, Powder, Pod
  • Dishwasher Detergent - Liquid, Powder, Pod
  • Mothballs
  • Bleach
  • Ammonia
  • Matches 
  • Liquid Potpourri
  • Batteries
  • Firestarter Logs
  • Gorilla Glue
  • Super Glue
  • Hand Sanitizer 
  • Pine Oil
  • Paint Chips - Heavy Metals 
  • Toilet Bowl Cleaner ( Anything added to change its colour or freshen it may be toxic)
  • Rubber Bands 
  • Thread 
  • Dental Floss

Cats are not as likely as Dogs are to finish a whole item like a battery - but they are very likely to CLEAN THEMSELVES TRYING TO GET ITEM OFF PAWS OR BODY- CAUSING INGESTION 

  • Smoke Inhilation 
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Organophosfates
  • Pyrethrines & Pyrethoids 
  • Metadehyde
  • Fertilizer
  • Bone Meal & Blood Meal
  • Insecticides 
  • Paint Thinner 
  • Drain Cleaner 
Be smart. If you would not allow a child near it - Don't let an animal 

This is not a full list
More information can be found on these links 

If you are unsure in regards to your pet ingesting or coming into contact with a poison 

Yes I have had a Poison song stuck in my head the whole time..
If anyone cares it's