
Alright Meow, it's 2015!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

7 Days Till Christmas - 99 Cat Facts But A Myth Ain't One - 44-55

99 Cat Facts But A Myth Ain't One


44. Cat saliva is thought to contain enzymes that can help promote healing
Healing them..not you.. or some asshat would have bottled it by now.

45. Yes a kitty can get stuck in a tree! They can not climb down head first, so they have to back down.
Kitty may not understand how to do that.

46. Kittens have 26 Teeth. As Adults they have 30.
They probably would also hate the dentist if they had to be awake for anything

47. Humans have 206 bones - Cats have between 220 and 250 - the range is due to tail and toe differences

48. A Cat can recognize its owners footsteps

49. Catnip is non-addictive.
Though I do not suggest you trying it for yourself.. don't be greedy.. it's for Fluffy!

50. There is no year of the cat in the Chinese Zodiac.
That's because every year is the year of the cat!

51. Other than one tiny line in the Catholic Bible - the Cat is not mentioned.
I found this site.. that makes me want to punch the computer. 
I could care less if a cat is mentioned or not mentioned in the Bible.. 
This moronic douchebag - I would like to cover him with catnip then after the meows have had their fun... toss him in with a hungry Tiger.. no... a pit of snakes!! Yes... snakes.. big snakes.. 

Btw my theory on why Cats are not mentioned... They are actually Aliens .. They originally were mentioned but it was removed by the head Kitty Alien due to miss representation. 
* Oh and the only thing that guys site proves is that he is a fucking moron...
I am irked...

52. One of my favorite shows is M.A.S.H - in many of the surgery scenes they mention using Catgut.
It needs a new name because Catgut is not now nor has it ever been from a Cat!!!!
This is unfortunate for the Sheep...because it is from their intestines. :(

53. Cats can get acne too!
They don't have to go through high school with it though..

54. A cat becomes a teenager at around 8 months
Apparently they do become an adult.. they just act  like a teenager their whole life!!

55. Nikola Tesla had a cat named Macak, it was a static shock that kitty gave him that seemed to have started his interest in electricity as a young boy.
The cats name... I seriously can't get over the name...

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