..........10 Awesome Cat Tattoos
.........9 Naughty meows
........8 Elaborate Cat Trees
.......7 Singers Kitties
......6 Odd things cats play with
.....5 Furry Meows
....4 Piles of Barf
...3 Ferocious Felines
..2am Howling
and a not so lively mousey.
Over the years I have learned many things in regards to cats.
I shall impart some wisdom ...type stuff..
1. No Available Underneath
As I sit here I am reminded about this lesson.. My sick kitty is in my room - he generally lives at my parents - he is trying to get under my bed. There is no under my bed.
When dealing with different types of cats and kittens with varying levels of fear - giving them a place to hide that you can not reach is a bad idea.
Beds in my house are on the floor.
Dressers and Cabinets that have spaces at the bottom are blocked.
Couches are blocked from both sides and are either very low or very lite.
If there is a place they can get to that you can not easily retrieve them - you will end up causing them more stress and you self more issues.
2. Tag your it!
Don't chase a cat.
I still do this.. it is a hard habit to break.
They are fast, sneaky and determined.
Chasing a cat will stress them out and make the whole retrieval process that much harder.
Though it is good exercise .. though it may be an exercise in stupidity.
Yeah totally still do it.
Trying to catch your kitty for something like a Vet trip - it's just dumb .. and you feel dumb as you go up and down the stairs.. around the house in circles only to lose track of them.
Plan ahead..
Sit down.
Act aloof ..ain't nothing going on here.. just watching Judge Judy..
They will come out.
They need to see if you are still chasing them.
They are also jerks and may want to start all over.
I have to place the carrier out the night before.
Other times I have to take the carrier apart and bring it into the room that I have taken apart.
I believe this only works on the same cat once or twice.
I put the carrier together and they are none the wiser that it is in there.
Then I go try and pet them..
Then the jerks figure it out and start running around the room.
Not always, just the last time because the cats are skittish chickens.
3. Despite all my rage I am still just a Cat in a Cage!
Yes it sucks seeing cats in cages.
I hate it..
But ...if you are fostering or have adopted a skittish kitty ( thank you!)
See if you can borrow a large wire dog create or a roll away cage.
The four slightly wild kitties I am fostering should have been put in a cage weeks ago.
But I feel bad..
I need to get over that.
They are now a few weeks older and not any tamer.
I put them in cages a few days ago.
We have learned that caging the cats allows us to have more control.
Also it in the long run is much less stressful for the kitties because I do not have to chase them around the room.
Not any less stressful for me because they look at me like I am evil.
They are good.
I feel like an ass.
When we cage the kitties they tend to crave more attention.
At first they are pissed off and refuse to look at you.. or look at you like you are a serial killer.
After awhile they start to look at you as their food source, treat source and attention source.
I have 2 cats in each cage. This gives them someone to cuddle with.. possible bitch about me with.
3 would leave 1 by its self.. 4 is only okay for small kittens.
As of tonight - I am starting to look like a food source that may be a serial killer.. these things take time.
4. If it's on the floor it's mine.
Technically if its in the house it seems to be theirs.
For this instance I am speaking of toilet paper or paper towels.
They do not have to start on the floor.. they will knock them on the floor..
then they will proceed to kill the item.
A bag of treats is safer on the counter - not 100% safe but much safer than on the floor...beside your chair.
They steal the whole bag.
Bag on the counter - safe.. bag on the floor or in cupboard near floor - no longer safe.
Sebby does not count.. he would go into a bag in a bag in a bag on the counter in a box under other bags.. to get the bag he wants.
Pens, lighters, lids.. if they can carry it in their mouths.. push it with their paws or a mixture of both - it's now theirs.
Keep stuff off of the floor.
5. Copy Cats learned from watching other cats copy cats...
So you have a normal kitty? normalish...
You adopt a kitty .. he does a few weird things like stealing pens or attempting to sit on your head.
Now normalish kitty starts to steal pens and just tried to sit on your head.
Can't teach an old kitty new tricks? well that's because your not a kitty!
If you are surprised by a new behaviour.. watch the other kitties. Or your other animals. Cat's don't just copy other cats.. they may copy Fido.
That's actually kinda cute if they copy how to fetch.. inappropriate sniffing is not so cute.
At times you may have to re train your cats to stay off the counter or not scratch the furniture.. because new kitty did it and they may feel entitled ..(
I have no idea how they feel, I just tend to add human emotions to everything)
6. What time is it Mr Wolf?
What ever time they want it to be.
9 times out of 10 your cat is aware of your routine.. wait.. I meant you are aware of their routine.
It may seem like they know what time it is.. they don't .. they follow your ques.. or they train you to follow theirs.
You work 5 days a week.. same shift.. kitty gets fed when you get home...
Kitty does not know what time you are done work..
They do know that when you come in and put your bag in this place.. take of your shoes .. do a few other things then get them their food.
The weekend also has it's own routine. They know that one too.
Take a sick day...
Confused the hell out of the kitty.
Think that Fluffy is around you the whole day because she is aware you are sick?
Probably not.. she is waiting for you to do what you normally do so she can figure out when she gets food.
7. When in doubt- put the cheapest cat food out.
This is not for everyday.. This tactic should be saved for sick or unwilling to eat kitties.
Your brain tells you that kitty should have the good food. For the best nutrience in the smallest amount.
Fluffy doesn't listen.
My one cat is having some issues and took some time off from eating.
It had been over 24 hours, but when he was at the vet he had received fluids so at least he had that.
He would not eat what the vet told him to.
He would not eat what my cats were eating.
I bought some of the more expensive food...
Because I never learn.
Put it out for him.. Nope.
It was getting dire.
I set up the food and found a can of Friskies cheap ass chunks.
(Not the actual name)
I just opened the can .. Didn't even plate it.. And went about eating my food.
Low and behold.. He started eating the cheap crap.
He could have eaten off my fork for all I cared. As long as he ate!
After licking the gravy from the tin he made his way over to the better stuff!
The cheap crap was a catalyst.
8.Tinsel - Not so pretty at times.
You probably already know this one.
Christmas time.. you toss some tinsel on the tree..
It's so pretty..
Oh hi Fluffy! wtf is that?
Fluffy has tinsel hanging out of his bum.
Tinsel looking less pretty.
You may find it in the litter box or in a pile of barf.. sparkly barf.
You are lucky if you find it.
If you don't find it you may be in for a big vet bill and Fluffy isn't going to be happy.
Fluffy could die.
The tinsel could wrap round its intestines.
Tinsel not looking good at all now! It looks kind of sinister with this light reflecting tastiness.
I will be doing a holiday nightmare post at a later date...things that are dangerous and stuff.
The same goes for elastics, strings, yarn, and anything else string like.
9.Stop Drop and Hope.
In this field we come across many instances where we have to catch, grab or secure a cat or kitten.
Instinct tells you to hold on ...
Even when Fluffy is loosing it.
Bad idea..
Hurty idea
Bloody and Scratchy idea.
Btw this is another of the lessens I have trouble remembering.
I get in a situation where I really need to catch a kitty and my brain shuts off.
I scruff kitty and kitty turns into a slinky python.
Mina did that.. She bit me because I was too stupid to let her go.
I ended up dropping her into the recycling box and covering her with news paper.. then grabbing her and putting her into the carrier.
That worked out.. but she could have bolted .. or bit down harder.
I seem to be a little smarter when it comes to adult cats. Probably because I am only half stupid.
I have had to scruff many a kitty.
Most of them instantly stiffen up and are much simpler to handle.
Others.. like Kenya react very badly.
The Slinky Python is more like a Slinky Shark with Swords.
Freddy Krueger in fur.
A psycho Edward Scissor Hands.
I think you get the picture.
I have resorted to different tactics with her.
Scaring her into a carrier or box works best - but stresses her out.
Bribing her into one of those is better.
Or a scratching post cubby.. I just turn it on its side and put a pillow over it.
Then I can transfer her to the different location or the carrier.
This does not always work.
She is smart.
A street smart cat is the worst!
They are almost all smart for different reason, but a street smart kitty seems to be aware of more of the tricks us humans try to use.
So what do you do if you need to catch the non-catch-able cat?
Learn some patience cuz you're gonna need it.
In dire situations you can set up a live trap in your house..
In dire outdoor situations.. try to learn to speak kitty.
I have used you tube on a few kitty catching missions.
I play kittens meowing.
These are momma cats so they tend to respond.
Rabbit distress noises worked for the one Bunny who was hiding under a shed.
I am forever scared by having to listen to that.. it's horrific.
What ever you can think of that does not put you or the animal in danger may be worth a try...
Calling local rescues for advice is also helpful
If you are unaware of how the cat will react to being scruffed or grabbed... don't do it! or wear very thick hopefully bite proof gloves.
10. I can't believe it's not butter?
Pill popping kitties.
Sucks for both parties involved.
I had a litter of kittens who were horrid for pilling.. and I have pilled my fair share of meows.
They learned from the Slinky Pythons..
We tried pill pockets - those are very helpful for Dogs - also for Cats..but still can be a challenge.
The trick there is to not touch the outside of the pill pocket with anything that has touched the pill.
Make it small and still try to give it like you would any other pill.
Back of the throat..rub the neck then syringe some water in after.
The water step I was just told about yesterday.
Apparently many cats do not fully swallow the pills. It may get stuck half way down and could possibly cause ulcers.
When they give you the pills at the vets office ask for a syringe.
The pill pockets only worked with these kittens if there were 2 people - one to scruff and hold down kitty and another to pry open their tiny mouths.
I hate pills.
For the only semi difficult to pill I use butter.
They love the salty taste and it acts as a lubricant to slide down the throat.
It can mask the bitter taste of some of the pills.
Many pills are not bitter and made for animals to find tasty.
Others seem to be made to make them look rabid.
A kitty foaming at the mouth does not make you feel like a great pet parent.
You can also use gravy, coconut oil, or any other safe for kitty substance that may help with getting it to slide down the throat simpler.
Make sure they don't Camel Spit it back at you... I have no idea why I call it that... but I do.
You may find random pills near where you gave the pill.
I think they know to wait till you are not looking.
Hiding the pill in food seems to be less of a trick usable for cats.. dogs yes..
You tend to find the pill left on the plate.
11. Royal Rumble.
Cats will fight.
Much like people.
We get ticked off at others and tell them off, or slam the phone... well we use to slam the phone.. now we angrily press the end button.
We unfriend them on facebook.
We gossip about them with others.
We break up with or divorce them...
It happens.
Cats are forced to live with other cats they do not choose.
Some cats are more annoying than others.
Some bullies, some chicken.
You may have one cat that tends to complain a lot - and another that chases that kitty.
I don't think they are fond of complainers.
I think they have a problem with snitches too.
In the hierarchy of meows.. there may be a leader and its minions. Humans are also included in the minion population.
The leader tends to either be the Matriarch or the Jackass.
'Boss' use to be the Matriarch of my group. She passed away a few years back.
She was not a fighter, but she seemed to be top dog.. so to speak.
Sebby took over when she passed.
He is the Jackass.
He rules by fear.
He will tell you off.. in kitty form.
He will smack you in the head.
Luckily he is not extremely violent.
None of mine are.
They do fight but it is never an all out brawl.
Brawls may happen in your household.
Fur flying, hissing growling and screaming.
Sounds horrific.
I hate the sound of cats fighting.
As long as one cat is not constantly being picked on, and there are not wounds being inflicted on a regular basis... this is okay.
You can absolutely spray them with a water bottle.
Don't be a hero - do not jump in the middle...
Yes I still do that at times. moron..not hero.
Make a loud noise, distract them and give the one cat the chance to bolt.
If there is constant fighting in your house, you may want to look into some behaviour modification ideas.
They could include medication, separation in the house, pheromone sprays or plugins, calming treats, vertical real estate ( higher ground for your cats to get away from each other) More scratching posts, more litter boxes.
You can speak with your vet or even an animal behaviour specialist.
Bickering between animals is normal.
All out brawls are not good.
So these are just some of the things I have learned along the way.. I am not a animal behaviorist, I am not a vet or vet tech - these are just things that have worked for me.
They may work for you.. they may not...
So much fun!